Chichen Itza

I had the pleasure of visiting the Mayan Riviera in Mexico this summer for vacation. We were determined to visit one of the ruins and were blown away by the preserved Mayan pyramid in Chichen Itza. Upon my return home, I learned that this particular site is now receiving a lot of press based on the Mayan contribution to the calendar we use today, and their prediction that a dramatic change will occur in the year 2012.
I encourage all to add this new wonder of the world to your places to see list. Enjoy.

My summer memory

Summer 2009 was a rainy one in the Philly/Delaware area. I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy it. I don't get to spend as much time downtown Philly as in years past, however I spent a few hours in the renowned Rittenhouse Square just sitting in the park. There was an arts fair going on in the park and everyone was out walking their dogs or just relaxing on the lawn. I looked up through the trees and got this warm feeling as I saw the skyline. I enhanced to photo to give that daydream effect that hit me at the time, which captured the vibe I felt on a beautiful summer Sunday.